Band – Mrs. Romano
When you try out for Band, you can try out for either Jazz Band, or Symphonic Band. Both groups are fun and challenging. The Jazz ensemble plays faster, more upbeat music, featuring many instruments with many solos. The Symphonic Band, plays more as a group, with slower, more classic music. Both groups, go to festival and many other fun musical events, along with lots of competing. And at the end of the year, to either Colorado or Salt Lake city.
BPA – Mrs. Alles
The Business professionals of America (BPA) is the leading CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology, and other related career fields. The goal is to develop leadership, academic, and technological skills in the workplace among students and leaders within the community. For more information about the Teton High School BPA Chapter and how you can join click here.
Cheer is pretty much a year round sport.We perform in the 4th of July parade. In the summer we have Cheer camp. We cheer at football, boys basketball and girls basketball and try to attend all home events including volleyball, soccer, and wrestling. We are very fortunate to have cheer as a class, so it cuts down on practice outside of class. We compete in district competition and hopefully state competition.
Chess Club
Chess Club is new to Teton High School this year, and has been a success. We compete in Jackson, Pocatello, and even in Boise for the State Championship. Feel free to stop by regardless of skill level. We meet every Wednesday in the library from 3:30 to 5:30. If you want to learn more about chess, and the logic behind it, or are just looking for a fun challenging activity.
Choir – Mrs. Romano
Choir is a musical class, to make you a better Singer/Musician. There are several different Choir groups, based on age, skill level, and the type of music you enjoy. Choir competes at several different events throughout the year, along with clinics designed to make you better. At the end of the year choir also goes to Colorado, or Utah.
Drama Club
The Drama Club at Teton High School puts on great performances, that you can try out to be part of. A few productions have included: The Wizard of Oz, Oklahoma, A Christmas Story, and Beauty and the Beast. For more information on upcoming plays and performances, or to find out how to try out, contact Stephanie Adamson at 208-403-9942
Drill Team
For more information, contact Sheena Christensen at 208-360-9489.
FCCLA – Mrs. Williams
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is a high school-level leadership development, personal growth, and career preparation club.
FFA – Mr. Ross
The National FFA Organization helps develop students’ potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success, through agricultural education. Not only is it a great club for those who are directly involved in agriculture, but also great for those who are not, because everyone is affected by the agriculture industry, in some way. FFA provides a great way to learn about leadership, agriculture, career success, and so much more! There are all kinds of Career Development Events (CDE’s) students can compete in. Forestry, mechanics, communication, floriculture, and livestock evaluation are only a few examples. For more information, or to join the Teton FFA Chapter, contact Mr. Ross.
Interact Club – Mrs. Cavallaro
The Teton High School Interact Club, founded in 2006 and sponsored by Rotary International, strives to better the entire Teton County and its surrounding areas through volunteer services of each member. All Interact Clubs are required to complete a minimum of two community service projects, but at Teton High School the Interact Club goes above and beyond, completing projects such as the Purple Pinky Day, Food Bank Month, Minute to Win It, medicine drives, assisted living center visits and donating and delivering Christmas gifts to children in homeless shelters in just one year. We are a motivated and driven club that will make you a stand out applicant to both jobs and colleges.
Latino Club – Mrs. Smith
Contact Mrs. Smith for more information.
Newspaper –
News Production is a course in which the content is determined by the students.
Robotics – Mr. Hansen
The Robotics Club has enjoyed great success since it’s beginning in 2012. Each machine is designed to the challenge that is given the first Saturday of the new year. Our robots have played basketball, thrown Frisbees, and handles a ball that is 2 feet in diameter.
The robots have a chassis that carry the apparatus that performs the specific challenge. It is electromechanical in design with a 12 volt motorcycle battery for power. It is controlled by an onboard computer with connections to motor controllers. solenoids, Pneumatic pistons, gears, drive trains etc. they have sensors for aiming, video control speed, position etc.
They are a lot of fun to drive and give a real sense of accomplishment to build sophisticated Machine. It is a huge step towards high tech careers. For more information about rebotics click here.
Speech/Debate – Mr. Schindler
Speech and Debate is a great club! Students travel to tournaments around the district, competing in different speech and debate events. Students enjoy expressing themselves through speech, and learning to argue with debate. In the Speech and Debate club, students learn valuable skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. The competition seasons usually spans from about November to April, though it varies year to year.
Student Council – Mr. Craw
Mr. Craw advises students to perform their Student Council positions with creative, critical, and intelligent thinking. This prepares Student Council to host events such as school dances, selling concessions at home games, organizing and presenting the Talent Show, Mr. THS, Prom, Movie Nights, etc. Student Council is a diverse community of students that are responsible, trustful, and hard working people. Being a part of Student Council means that students work as a team to create a good, fun, safe environment for their peers and teachers. Students are given freedom to accomplish their goals in their own way. Students that become a part of Student Council grow into wonderful individuals because of the surroundings they are in with Student Council. Students are more than peers in a class, these students become a hard working team that respects others and know how to get a job done.
VOICE – Mr. Schindler
VOICE is a group of caring individuals, who share the common goal of making the school, and valley a better place. It is a class, meant to help others succeed, and help others in times of need. You need to be nominated, or try out for VOICE. You cannot take this class as a Freshman, another purpose of VOICE is to ease the transition from Middle School, to High School.
Yearbook – Ms. Kaufman
The Yearbook class creates a yearbook which is a picture book, history book, reference book, and memory book. Yearbook students are designers, photographers, authors, and business people. These students develop skills that are beneficial in many areas of life. Great trust and responsibility are placed on yearbook students. Responsibilities include taking photographs at extracurricular events, writing copy, and designing layouts and selling ads. Students are required to participate in taking photographs and doing interviews outside of the regular class hours. Also, students must commit to being on the staff for the entire year, two semesters. This class is like a team and we spend many hours working together to create a unique book every year.